This comic is fanart of the Phantasy Star online series that first was released on the SEGA Dreamcast. I have 3 chapters and everyday a new chapter will update for the next 60 days.
sweet i used to play that game. ever hear of psu phantasy star universe if not you should get it for the computer or ps2 not for xbox the xbox one sucks
taltamir at 1:20AM, Nov. 22, 2009
awwwww. big breasted monsters are the best kind of monsters.
Tsukiyo at 8:24AM, June 27, 2009
lovely kitty ^^
Stig Hemmer at 6:29AM, May 4, 2009
Beware the power of cute!
Mutation at 2:32PM, Dec. 7, 2008
Gabe + Sonic: Yup, it's the same. Except the 360 has their own server.
Gabe Puratekuta at 12:12PM, Oct. 7, 2008
Not bad. But where are the Newmans? @sonic2005: There is nothing wrong with the 360 version of PSU. All three versions are more or less the same
sonic2005 at 11:39AM, Aug. 18, 2007
sweet i used to play that game. ever hear of psu phantasy star universe if not you should get it for the computer or ps2 not for xbox the xbox one sucks
Stabby Team USA at 10:29PM, Aug. 2, 2007
Screw boobs, I loved that game.
Ozoneocean at 8:14AM, July 28, 2007
I'll have to look more into that ^^
phantasim fan at 11:11AM, July 19, 2007
I'll stay with her ;)
simonitro at 10:49AM, July 17, 2007
aww... what ya look at those innocent eyes! I'm loving this comic... another great comic series from you! Keep up the good stuff coming!
chaychan at 9:52AM, July 17, 2007
noo not the puppy face ^_^
Mutation at 6:30AM, July 17, 2007
I like Pamela's lace top more. n.n YAY! ZOMG I'm such a PSO fan. (And previous Phantasy Stars.)
that kid yellow at 9:45AM, May 27, 2007
she is sexy
I hate Reality at 1:23AM, May 24, 2007
allright! phantasy star!!!!
Evil_Snuffkin at 2:41AM, May 20, 2007
Love your style and the story seems good too
subcultured at 8:16AM, May 12, 2007
hahaha this looks funny to me for a reason
EmilyTheStrange at 3:15AM, May 10, 2007
Wow, nice art! : D
Marushi at 7:51AM, May 8, 2007
Whauhaha big greasted monster XD LOL. Aww..but he looks so cute. Yeah take him back dark ^^
Peipei at 10:24PM, May 7, 2007
bwahaha big breasted monster :3 The kitty is so cute even though it does have a semi bad mouth :o