Filler 25 OhGods D,:
Fyrsiel on May 14, 2007
Finals week. DDDDxxxx;;;;; It's pretty much here…. like, this week…
I think I could have gotten the page done, which you can tell because I can actually show some small previews of it, but the weekend started to get really busy. It was Mother's Day, too. @ @;; I actually got her a gift (zomg).
DDDDDxxxx yeah I ain't gettin' no special mentionings on dis here drunkduck dats fer dang shure! *notmylazybutt =.=*
I really wanted to spiff up the special effects on the page, though. Updating it tonight would have left everything half-assed, and I didn't want to do that. Dx ;;; Sorry that everything is starting to go at a crawl (er, a worse crawl), but I won't be stopping. Just trying to regain my momentum again…
I need to focus on finals this week. x x;; Wish me luck, I suppose;
I's answer comments and then it's off to bed fer mee!
Draco109: *pffshaw* Pirates just have a certain style, man. It's there. :3
Mina_Lunga: Trust me, it is quite against his will. D: I just assume he doesn't realize these images go public… (muwahahhaha). Otherwise I just like drawing them eyes so any excuse is a good one *dundun*
Thirdperiodlunch: ^ ^;;; Thankyou, thankyou!
Jassination: Dx Sorry man!!!! *another filler ;_;* suuuux… Ah, you'd be amazed how many times I break out into song. Especially when walking around on campus. x3
Ninja Jette: *YEEEEEY*
ahoyya: xxxxDDDDDDDDDDD *waves*
kyupol: And don't forget MP3 downloads and bootlegging! :D Ah yes, the glorified pop-culture image I do admire. ;3 Don' forget that even the Medieval Knights are depicted very inaccurately. *especially King Author's knights*
Wazaga: *aaaaar* Dx yes, I suh am ze pirate dorkish totalis!
TT TT So I must now away…. I guess I'm taking a mini-vacation or something. But things will get back on the ball again. It's been about three years and I haven't given up on this comic yet (even if I should have, a long time ago. _xD)
Frail at 11:32PM, Dec. 2, 2007
Awwww! You poor thing. Run! Ruuuun Fyrsiel! Run and never look back! ... but keep making the comic. Iffin it's not too much trouble. 'cause it's awesome.
Jassination at 9:34AM, July 4, 2007
You like to break songs?! What would you do that for?! :o :[ But, yeah, good thing I got dial-up and never check here enough, or I'd have a few words with you. >{ Something, like, "PLEASE PUT UP MORE COMICS!!! PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEEEEEEAAAAAASE!!!" "Pwetty-pwea se? 8{ " Ya know, only the manliest of words.
waterspirit at 12:40PM, May 25, 2007
god I love your comic I can't wait till your bondage fun is done ;)
Fyrsiel at 12:22AM, May 22, 2007
@_@ [b]For Those Checking:[/b] Dx *yeah sort of taking a mini-vacation I guess* Okay, just give me one more week and that's all I'll ask for! @ @;;; I promise...! Today was the very last day of the semester, so I'm [i]sure[/i] to get back into me old schedule with the coming end of this week! TT TT *sobad*
Wazaga at 2:38PM, May 15, 2007
egads, fused to a chair? it sound painful.
kyupol at 6:35AM, May 15, 2007
lol you like getting tied to a chair?