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nightmarelunatic on Sept. 10, 2007
So here it is-a new name. My comic will still be the same-but under new vowels and constanants.
Frae at 10:46PM, Dec. 14, 2010
LOL I've said this before at work!
Avie at 11:07PM, Nov. 17, 2008
Ha. Funny.
Lilac at 1:20PM, Oct. 1, 2008
reboundcomic at 2:04AM, Sept. 25, 2007
good stuff
draxenn at 1:35AM, Sept. 25, 2007
n_y_japlander at 10:06PM, Sept. 24, 2007
Frae at 10:46PM, Dec. 14, 2010
LOL I've said this before at work!
Avie at 11:07PM, Nov. 17, 2008
Ha. Funny.
Lilac at 1:20PM, Oct. 1, 2008
reboundcomic at 2:04AM, Sept. 25, 2007
good stuff
draxenn at 1:35AM, Sept. 25, 2007
n_y_japlander at 10:06PM, Sept. 24, 2007