105 Movie fun
TheFlyingGreenMonkey on Aug. 8, 2010
Well will update every monday. I doubt I'll be able to live up to the kind words of Hark and Kevin at the Webcomic Review Comic On the Web
Well anyway I went to watch Eclipse with my friends. Well my friends went to see it during the early bird specail so I went with. Of course I made fun of it all over the place but except for the Bella and Edward love story it was good. Nice fight scene and nice built up to it. It made me start reading the books. So expect me to rag on the books soon.
@WordWeaver:That gives me an idea for a future comic >:3
@Radom: And thats why it is funny XD Also msg me I miss ya T.T
@Ghost: I never saw twister though I got the idea from a clip of it.
@Bff: They do indeed.
@1337: I try to give the best advice I can through the interweb.
@Hark: Will I'm glad you did. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up.
@Mushroom: Glad to have you back!
@Lim: I happy you finally checked out my comic. Been a fan of yours for a while.
Mettaur at 5:44PM, Oct. 28, 2010
She's not just a unicorn, she's also a werewolf, a vampire, a donkey, a half-dead hobo, and a desk lamp.
disaffection at 11:19PM, Sept. 15, 2010
Bella is probably a unicorn.
Randomdudeperson at 11:13PM, Aug. 12, 2010
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!........................................... .....its an update. :p
Wordweaver_three at 3:15AM, Aug. 10, 2010
Yer right Shirk, Twilight could have been decent... if it weren't for the love story, the one dimensional, shallow characters, the crappy writing, the vampires, the werewolves, the paper it's written on, the glue holding the pages together, and the cover that it's all bound to. Yeah, get rid of all that and you got something a little bit better then pig vomit.
rokulily at 12:10AM, Aug. 10, 2010
unicorns eh? i hope i didn't have anything to do with this
Limzee at 1:34PM, Aug. 9, 2010
You'll probably be extremely disappointed with the last book. I know I was, but I won't spoil it for you. I don't think the Cullens should be vampires. Stephanie should have made them something else. D: And I actually found your comic through TWCRCOTW. I remember you used to comment, though. :D Thankyou for reading! x3 I'll be sure to keep up on this.
shirkersama at 12:44PM, Aug. 9, 2010
Good to see you updating again. And yeah, Twilight would actually be decent if it wasn't for the love story.