noneedforbushido on Dec. 4, 2007
Hi everyone! It took a little while to make but We have a new website up over at I hope you'll join us over there. If the pretty image above doesn't convince you to stop on by, perhaps the promise of a couple new pages will :)
If you just finished reading the archive up to this point, you can continue from here.
Kenz Lee at 9:57PM, March 14, 2008
I have loved you comic and I found you, actually, on your new sight before I even realized you guys had a DD! I actually only just now stumbled across it! Anyway, as usual, wonderful story and artwork and I truly do adore your comic!
noneedforbushido at 9:06PM, Dec. 6, 2007
I believe we are allowed to keep the old pages here... so I will. But future pages will have to go on the new site. It isn't the first time we left Drunk Duck (we were here for the big crash and didn't come back for a year) And I wouldn't be surprised if we found a way to come back. I'll keep your warning in mind Eternal Newbie :D
Eternal_Newbie at 5:06PM, Dec. 6, 2007
Don't leave use for Keenspot! they'll use you and abuse you and toss you aside like a used tissue! Oh, sure theres the parties and the groupies, but you'll soon see the seamy side of things, but then it will be too late! You'll be hooked! And wehen the drink and drugs have drained your talent no one will give you the time of day!
Imagine at 12:58AM, Dec. 6, 2007
Does this mean you won't be on DD anymore?