agentny003 on Jan. 9, 2018

This is the credits page (Note: First four are family members and the next two are my mentors.) Avart if you're reading and see your name, is because I learned quite a bit from reading your manga. You explained how you did the japanese fonts and I used what you told me and apply on my own stance and how I can approve for the next webcomic coming soon. So thank you very much.

I want to thank those who have been reading my webcomic. It really means a lot to me. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Now I will be taking a month off from webcomics just so my girls and I can relax and second cause my brain is fried from all that work. I hope you guys understand and will be patient until I get back. Lastly, I truly want to hear your thoughts about it below. More importantly, I like to hear your answers to these three questions:

1. Who's your favorite character and why?
2. Which sister is the strongest?
3. What are your favorite scenes and why did it attract you?

Again thank you all who have been following the process. I will be back in March to start the next one.