agentny003 on Jan. 9, 2018
This is the credits page (Note: First four are family members and the next two are my mentors.) Avart if you're reading and see your name, is because I learned quite a bit from reading your manga. You explained how you did the japanese fonts and I used what you told me and apply on my own stance and how I can approve for the next webcomic coming soon. So thank you very much.
I want to thank those who have been reading my webcomic. It really means a lot to me. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Now I will be taking a month off from webcomics just so my girls and I can relax and second cause my brain is fried from all that work. I hope you guys understand and will be patient until I get back. Lastly, I truly want to hear your thoughts about it below. More importantly, I like to hear your answers to these three questions:
1. Who's your favorite character and why?
2. Which sister is the strongest?
3. What are your favorite scenes and why did it attract you?
Again thank you all who have been following the process. I will be back in March to start the next one.
ReroOnyx at 9:17PM, Jan. 1, 2021
As for favorite character, probably Rachel. There's just a notion of having some dedication to the job. Plus, I appreciate her abilities to put up a fight despite not having the same powers (as far as I know) as her sisters. As far as my favorite scenes, I can't say any scene where Joan and her father aren't getting their terrorist a**ses handed to them doesn't put a smile on my face.
agentny003 at 4:52AM, Jan. 2, 2021
Nice to see we have another Rachel fan. 😄
ReroOnyx at 9:15PM, Jan. 1, 2021
awesome story. For the past chapters I've just been binge reading. I know there's a part 2 and I can't wait to start reading it as well.
agentny003 at 4:51AM, Jan. 2, 2021
I think you’re going to enjoy it as well.
caitiecat at 11:33AM, Dec. 1, 2018
Great comic! I liked it a lot!
caitiecat at 8:48AM, Dec. 2, 2018
Hmm.. Well, I actually really like the main character, Silvia. I think her eyes look cool when they change colour and i also like her powers
agentny003 at 12:34PM, Dec. 1, 2018
Thank you very much. Who’s your favorite character? 😊
Niccea at 4:45AM, Aug. 8, 2018
Congratulations on your Drunk Duck Awards nomination!
agentny003 at 5:42AM, Aug. 8, 2018
Wow thank you.
AmeliaP at 12:42PM, April 23, 2018
I caught up with everything, finally! (Sorry I'm late!) Almost 400 pages aren't an easy task, and you did it wonderfully. You kept the quality in all pages until the end. My favorite scene was the last battle (Okay, I laughed when I read "Protein Canon" XD, but it was amazing!). Is there more coming?
agentny003 at 3:01PM, April 23, 2018
It's okay. I knew you were busy. So no worries.
Avart at 1:57AM, March 18, 2018
Man, I'm speechless. Thank you so much, I really appreciate your work and I'm glad mine helps you.
agentny003 at 3:48AM, March 18, 2018
It did. Wait until you read it.
AmeliaP at 1:46PM, March 11, 2018
Reached the chapter 12. I can feel a Kia Asamiya's silent Moebius here or it's only my impression. "So you think it should be an anime someday?" I have no clue how the things work in Japan, but I heard of some real popular webcomics in Webtoons that has its own animation. My suggestion: you can give Visual Novels (story-driven game) a chance before thinking about an animation product.My two cents.
agentny003 at 4:44PM, March 11, 2018
Don't worry about it; I only wanted to see if you see it as a future anime someday. Just glad you're enjoying it so far. Looks like you've known a bit of history about how the sisters got their special abilities.
AmeliaP at 11:46AM, Feb. 26, 2018
Reached page 89 :) Liked Silvia and Luna' story so far.
agentny003 at 4:15PM, Feb. 26, 2018
Wow. I thought you were in chapter 18. Cool. Wait until you see how they change in the story.
AmeliaP at 12:11PM, Feb. 6, 2018
Still reading :D nd I have to say I love it so far. It reminds those animes from 90's I loved so much
agentny003 at 2:09PM, Feb. 6, 2018
So you think it should be an anime someday?
AmeliaP at 12:11PM, Jan. 14, 2018
Whaaaaaat, I'm out for two weeks and I missed so many pages? You're a drawing machine! I'm with Jerrie, Rachel is my choice. My favorite scene? I don't know. I didn't read everything yet, but the chapter 16 in the lab/research facility has been one of my favorites until now. I think I prefer to read everything and decide later :)
agentny003 at 6:47AM, Jan. 26, 2018
Yup. Once you finish, you'll be the third person to complete it.
AmeliaP at 9:19AM, Jan. 22, 2018
So I'll be plenty of time to catch up :)
agentny003 at 5:32PM, Jan. 14, 2018
By all means take your time. My girls and I are taking a break until March. So please don't rush.
jerrie at 9:48AM, Jan. 12, 2018
I really like Rachel Valentine., the cop...real action Heroine in My opinion.
agentny003 at 3:41PM, Jan. 12, 2018
Very interesting.