For some reason I don't understand, I love this! Wonderful, more Snape! I couldn't believe it when jk killed him off. Tacky.
I like to rate and this is a 5. You are faved!
I've noticed that despite how shittily this story is written, she managed to write Snape pretty well in character. Funny.
BTW, here's a treat for you, children - a dramatic reading of "My Immortal" by Bennett the Sage - amazing stuff.
This is bloody brilliant. I was totally going to do comic version, and I had some concept drawings, but then found this. I'm nowhere near as talented as you are in drawing, this is just awesome. I would have ended up using pencil with few coloured accents, just when Tara mentioned colour...As well, it would have been word-for-word, bad grammar and all... but your interpretation is amazing! :D for sure faved! Update, please! :D
It's updated, yay, and oh wow, this page is probably the best yet.
Especially Hargrid running on his broom and then swooping in singing to the tune of that Gothic version of a 50 cent song.
roycemarie at 3:00PM, Sept. 19, 2011
For some reason I don't understand, I love this! Wonderful, more Snape! I couldn't believe it when jk killed him off. Tacky. I like to rate and this is a 5. You are faved!
niklotus at 11:33PM, April 29, 2011
I have been waiting so long for an update. Please don't abandon this project. It is awesome.
lovehurts88 at 12:15PM, March 19, 2011
I know it's been a while but I sure hope you update soon
CellarIndustries at 6:22AM, Feb. 28, 2011
Oh my. This is amazing.
SolarFear at 11:46PM, Feb. 12, 2011
Oh my gosh, this is SO amazing! Please continue making these comics! I can't wait to see what grammatical errors cause later on xD
nianinini at 9:57PM, Jan. 11, 2011
ahhh this is almost better than the actual fic! but the horrible typos make the cake!
Reashi at 11:44PM, Jan. 4, 2011
I have no Idea what is going on and I want more : D
JaggedFlow at 8:03PM, Dec. 22, 2010
I have laughed myself to tears. Please update again soon! :)
Vamps_On_Amps at 4:24PM, Sept. 16, 2010
I wish this would update! Seriously, funniest thing on the internet!
niklotus at 4:25PM, Sept. 6, 2010
oops - forgot to add the link -
niklotus at 4:25PM, Sept. 6, 2010
I've noticed that despite how shittily this story is written, she managed to write Snape pretty well in character. Funny. BTW, here's a treat for you, children - a dramatic reading of "My Immortal" by Bennett the Sage - amazing stuff.
niklotus at 11:39AM, Aug. 2, 2010
Please update this soon.... It's hilarious and you're a great artist. The terrible story and your awesome art are a great combination.
Tyr at 11:48AM, July 27, 2010
O_O... I think I need my brain fixed now...
ElleMarie6 at 9:46PM, July 16, 2010
This is so fantastic, hardest I've laughed in a while! Pretty please make more!!
inkwellington at 9:20AM, July 3, 2010
*chokes laughing* even if this panel was JUST Hagrid running in on his broom-- it'd still be super hilarious.
seth the hippo at 8:49PM, June 19, 2010
This is bloody brilliant. I was totally going to do comic version, and I had some concept drawings, but then found this. I'm nowhere near as talented as you are in drawing, this is just awesome. I would have ended up using pencil with few coloured accents, just when Tara mentioned colour...As well, it would have been word-for-word, bad grammar and all... but your interpretation is amazing! :D for sure faved! Update, please! :D
thoughtfulspider at 6:16PM, May 28, 2010
I have tears pouring down my cheeks from laughing.
Dncelyn at 2:56PM, May 13, 2010
Short_Circuiting at 8:49PM, May 11, 2010
Ohgodohgodohgod. I frellin' love this :,D Your art is so pretty and your interpretation of the fic has me in TEARS. I hope you update soon xD
Palindrome at 6:31AM, April 25, 2010
That first panel cracked me up. Amazing parody - well done.
Ashkihyena at 11:44AM, April 24, 2010
It's updated, yay, and oh wow, this page is probably the best yet. Especially Hargrid running on his broom and then swooping in singing to the tune of that Gothic version of a 50 cent song.
ag47 at 12:59PM, April 23, 2010
That Hagrid quote has to be one of the funniest in the whole fic! 'I may be a little Hogwarts student but I am also a Satanist!'... non-sequitur much?
Roisin Dubh at 10:18AM, April 20, 2010
.... *bleeding eyes*
zenia at 2:15AM, April 19, 2010
omg I had never heard of this before, then a friend told me all about it and found this comic. The story is so bad it is awesome and so is this comic.
Jackie_of_Spades at 10:14PM, April 18, 2010
I think this is my favorite part of the entire fic...