Latifah bust a line
Daf42 on March 11, 2006
Comic Title: Queen Latifah-Pros
Over here on the farm in England we always thought Queen Latifah was a fantastically poor actress, but it turns out that in the USA she’s a rap/hip-hop/R&B superstar, which means it’s alright for her to be a bad actress. With such classics as the Taxi remake, Bringing Down the House and Barbour Shop 2 under her quite large belt, her newest movie “Last Holiday†is sure to be some thing awful.
I don’t know it is about a hip-hop, a rap or R&B star that makes it acceptable to cast them in Films even though they can’t act. Ja Rule is one such example. He did a fantastic job saying black stereotype phrases such as “Daaaaaamn†in The Fast and The Furious, but I can’t see why any casting director would jump out of their seat and say “That’s the guy we’ve been looking for!â€
I think we have Will Smith to blame for all this, by probably being the first such Hip-hop/R&B cross over star, but he had the good fortune to be a pretty good actor and made it look easy. Mos Def did quite a good job in Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Ill admit that, but he does have an acting background, having appeared in more than one episode of “The Cosby Mysteriesâ€.
StudioNFC at 9:21AM, Feb. 25, 2007
I've only read two strips thus far, and it's going on my favorites!
slimredninja at 9:20AM, Dec. 3, 2006
as we say in the venacular of the D your shit is juicey yo funny stuff kinda pearls before swine meets rolling stone magazine
Eirikr at 3:03PM, May 28, 2006
Queen Latifah sucks!
Berlin Poe at 11:40PM, April 16, 2006
Ahahahahahhahahahahahaa...hah...ha...heh... Hey I like Queen Latifah!
Hariku at 4:56PM, March 21, 2006
magicalmisfits at 9:35PM, March 16, 2006
Now I may have trouble with this strip since I am a musical moron. I will buy anything with Miles Davis' name on it which I am told is a pretty narrow selection seeing hows hes dead and probably not putting any thing new out. Don't know why didn't stop Nat King Coleand half the beetles. But so far I am keeping up and laugh in all the right places. Keep it up please!
Joff at 1:52PM, March 16, 2006
The farmyard demands it's sacrifice!
WayneEnterprise at 12:12PM, March 16, 2006
You've just been FAVORITIZED
WayneEnterprise at 12:08PM, March 16, 2006
thats a cute piggy, ofcourse Im Mexican and I would devour him in CARNITAS in a second... Hmmmmmm Carnitas: Fried Pork, accompinied by salsa, beans, and ofcourse TORTILLAS... man , I just got myself HUNGRY. Oh, nice comic by the way... O_o
cliffy at 3:57PM, March 13, 2006
DAMN is right!
radarig at 11:08AM, March 12, 2006
I love you, I do believe.
radarig at 11:08AM, March 12, 2006
I love you, I do believe.