The Spies Hide Out In Every Corner
Daf42 on March 9, 2006
Comic Title: Coldplay-Spies
Yes it’s true, we love Radiohead, and while we can’t wait for the next album we do sort of hope it’ll be the proper follow up to OK computer that everyone expected in 2001. It’s not that we don’t like the craziness of their most recent works, but guitarist Ed O’Brian does promise that each new album will “be more like the bends†and then everyone gets all excited, and then all confused, when some crazy electronic album comes out.
Back before KID A came out everyone pretty much had OK Computer’s follow up mapped out in their heads. It would include such great tracks, often played live but never released, as Nude, Man-O-war, True Love Waits and Reckoner. But a month or so before good ol’ RH started playing the likes of Everything in its right place and National Anthem on tour and Radiohead fans were kinda shocked, and the Music press were even more shocked when the album came out.
Needless to say Ed has made his usual “more like the bends†promise about Radiohead’s album that should be out later this year, and has a list of songs they are working on, including Nude and Reckoner. Let’s hope they make the final cut.
StudioNFC at 9:20AM, Feb. 25, 2007
LOL! That's good stuff!
fern at 11:03PM, Jan. 6, 2007
thom yorke has sold out with his solo album.
emptyF at 7:00PM, Oct. 29, 2006
kid a was my favorite. but i'm weird like that. the joke is funny as hell though. thom yorke attacking some one would be comic gold.
Gregory at 4:56AM, June 7, 2006
Honestly, I thought Hail to the Thief was pretty damned good, although there were a few tracks in the middle that threw me off. But "2+2=5," "Backdrifts," "A Punch-Up at a Wedding," and "A Wolf at the Door" were great among others. Less like The Bends, and more like Hail the the Thief, I say. The Bends was too rocky. But I guess there's a natural divide among Radiohead fans... Those who like the rock and those who like the experiments. I like to think I'm more in the middle, with a leaning towards experiments. But hell, I'm sure we can all agree on "Creep," right?
Wolfy at 9:45AM, March 30, 2006
Daf42 at 8:09AM, March 22, 2006
You are generous Hariku, the "and" is indeed cut off, but I was too lazy to change it. No one read this one any way.
Hariku at 4:56PM, March 21, 2006
The and is kinda cut off in the first panel...HAVE A 5 ANYWAY!
Daf42 at 11:09AM, March 20, 2006
shiftybob, youre my kinda guy
shiftybob at 6:08AM, March 18, 2006
BRING BACK PABLO HONEY! Err... Not really... But maybe if people keep saying that, we'll find a medium, and get another OK. A guy can dream, can't he?
WayneEnterprise at 12:11PM, March 16, 2006