Moderately Embellished Mail
DangerFace Studios on Nov. 22, 2007
I love this so much. Cheers to Gibson for thinking it up, and John and Mike for developing it further. Thanks to John Brown, Gibson Twist, Jason Arnold, and Mike Campbell (respectively) for supplying these amazing letters for me to answer.
legacyhero at 6:10PM, Nov. 26, 2007
There should be an award for "Most Awesome 24 hour Comic"... and you should win it!
DangerFace Studios at 10:13PM, Nov. 25, 2007
Unfortunately, where there was so much text, I needed a lower quality pick to fit on my Smack Jeeves page. You can still trudge your way through it, right?
Frogman at 1:45AM, Nov. 23, 2007
Haha, a zombie superhero. Good one. That'll never take off... My only criticism is the font is a bit small and hard to read with the jpeg compression used. Otherwise, brilliant idea.
Gibson Twist at 11:34PM, Nov. 22, 2007
As previously stated by me, this turned out really cool. "Look Who's Rising For Dinner" is pure genius.