Angel Fuentes on March 27, 2009
Ok, folks. Show's over. That's it for now.
I'll be back again with new stuff, hopefully.I'm working on a new longer story with the priest.
In the mean time, feel free to check my website: for info on other comics I publish and the free online comic Nightshift. I will soon be able to sell my comics online.
So, um, ok. See you guys soon.
Again, thanx for your time and support.
Arios at 1:34AM, Feb. 18, 2010
I'm loving this, one of the best, if not the best thing I've seen on DD. Solid in both story and art.
Scorpious at 12:08PM, March 29, 2009
this was selected best comic of Puerto Rico 2005 you have seen nothing yet stick around ! angel this rules !
Jabali at 6:25AM, March 29, 2009
Life is a bliss.
machinehead at 6:03PM, March 28, 2009
That's exactly how I want to die.
HyenaHell at 11:28AM, March 28, 2009
Aw, poor guy. Even if he is a bit of a dick! I'll definitely check out your site. :)
Emily Elizabeth at 11:11AM, March 28, 2009
He did his best! Awesome comic, hope you make some more soon!
TheMidge28 at 9:24AM, March 28, 2009
this was a great story, imo. can't wait for the next!