Chapter 01 Cover
MMMelody on March 5, 2007
I'm not very found of this cover, some of the anatomy is kinda funky, but I'll let it pass for now since this is a tempory page. Either way, it gives you an idea what these guys look like in color. ooooohhhh, shiny.
konstan_tina99 at 8:23PM, Jan. 24, 2009
I love it! so cute!!!
shino at 7:29AM, Jan. 18, 2008
^w^ favd!!!!
Kamoourian King at 9:26PM, Jan. 3, 2008
You'r coloring skill is very nice.
chee2424 at 6:45AM, April 26, 2007
please tell me how did you make that wonderful cover, what program did you use.
nerdsareinvading at 6:55AM, March 9, 2007
i think it looks just fine....oh and, FAVED!
Kristen Gudsnuk at 9:34PM, March 6, 2007
I think the design itself is awesome; don't make it just a "temporary page"!! The problems with this cover are very fixable- it's just her right arm/hand that needs adjustments. If you lengthen the upper part of her arm, and adjust the angle of her elbow (it helps if you just mimic the position in front of the mirror or something) and then just work on the hand a little-- the thumb should be longer, and the folded fingers might need some work. But the rest of the picture looks very polished; I love the way you handled their hair and clothes, especially, and their facial expressions are just darling ^_^! hah, well anyway, this is a nice picture so don't get rid of it! :D!