Yeah.. always at the beginning of Megaman Battle Network they are most doing homework or school.. but anyways I hope you like it. (I know it isnt good please dont kill me haha =P)
I know its hard too read I make it good next time!
I believe there really is a giant met in one of the games...or maby it was a rumor...or I thaught i heard it some where...oh well, you can't trust fox demons like me anyway.
Umm, I don't like it much. the word bubbles should have backgrounds, thats one huge issue. Also, when the charachters talk, it should go from top left to bottom right. you get a 4 XD
Yeeh!! A battle network comic, I love that game ^_^.
But you may want to work with some speech bubbles or something like that. It is kind of hard to read the yellow text.
Stich at 12:17PM, July 26, 2006
I believe there really is a giant met in one of the games...or maby it was a rumor...or I thaught i heard it some where...oh well, you can't trust fox demons like me anyway.
Skeik_Sprite at 5:54PM, July 19, 2006
Umm, I don't like it much. the word bubbles should have backgrounds, thats one huge issue. Also, when the charachters talk, it should go from top left to bottom right. you get a 4 XD
chary at 11:23PM, May 16, 2006
Yeeh!! A battle network comic, I love that game ^_^. But you may want to work with some speech bubbles or something like that. It is kind of hard to read the yellow text.
starkitty at 10:24PM, May 13, 2006
I love Megaman (yelling at the sky.) Lan how can you be so mean to him?
copper hikari at 4:45PM, May 8, 2006
Protoman can't even let megaman fight a met without interfereing...bum...
Nyoko at 11:25AM, May 7, 2006
Yay Protoman!
NovaManXP at 8:45AM, May 6, 2006
Resize using "Sketch & Skew" in Paint. Comic's okay, but the resizing is off.
Hunter_Fusion at 4:49PM, May 4, 2006
*two thumbs up* Woot nice!
Pensuke at 3:03PM, May 4, 2006
lol it isnt my first xD just a new comic I started ^^;;
Duck at 2:56PM, May 4, 2006
Not bad at all for your first strip
RoronoaZoro at 5:12AM, May 4, 2006
Huge Mettaur!!!
Tietsu at 8:40PM, May 3, 2006
I kinda like it. It's not really all that abstract it's just not stupid funny like many want...I like it...look forward to reading more.