#1-He has no need for doors!!!!
Stich on May 16, 2006
Greatings people of DrunkDuck. It's…*checks callender* May 17, 2006….yep…anyway, basicaly, the star just came crashing through the window for no reson realy. Anyway, up-dates'll be…uh….all over…yeah….anyway, see you on the next up-date!
P.S. Yes, my spelling sucks…It'll get better…eventualy…
Stich at 1:04PM, May 18, 2006
Wow...I got a five...And, I'll try to up-date when ever I get on the comp....unless I forget...or run out of ideas for the next comic...er, anyways, it might be dayly for a while.
Xergrim at 8:20PM, May 17, 2006
None of this "eventually" stuff. Do it NOW. And welcome to Drunk Duck. I can see you've put in facial expressions and not afraid to make custom backgrouds, so I can easily see this getting better with time.