Page 76 - Back to the Guys
athenastar17 on Feb. 18, 2009
For those of you who were hoping for me to finish that cliffhanger…yeah, sorry…hehe. Please play again. XD
*insert lateness excuse here because…i have none lol*
Sorry I've been away for so long, in any case. Things to do, places to see…you know how it is. But in any case, here's another page for your viewing pleasure. Hopefully I'll get the next one out before next year, haha!
Okay, so that's not really funny. Seriously, I will try, though.
s123 at 10:17PM, Aug. 8, 2011
Are you finished with this comic or will you update it sometime?
mackie at 7:49AM, June 19, 2010
Awesome story! I love it so far and I look forward to updates!! ^^
kohitsuji at 5:36PM, May 7, 2010
Wow this comic totally entertained me through my whole shift. I couldn't stop reading. Thanks for making this awesomeness! :heart:
kikikarichi at 9:38AM, Nov. 11, 2009
plz! more
K_A_Yume at 12:18AM, Sept. 13, 2009
you bum. update more btw, removed Quiet Minds; going to redo my pages XD
Shimera at 3:13PM, July 15, 2009
please post again i love this comic
Sari_chan at 8:16PM, Feb. 19, 2009
Oh my god, it returns! :D I'm glad to see this again, srsly! I should draw fanarts...
Mutation at 4:59PM, Feb. 19, 2009
Don't worry, I forgive the lateness because I can be that bad, and because your comic is awesome.