An Introduction
Lonnehart on Sept. 6, 2006
Well, after a long while and much consideration, I've decided to bring Magiversity back. For those of you who remember it last year, you'll find it quite changed. I rewrote the story and made a lot of changes.
As for this update, I didn't want to put out a story yet, but at the same time I didn't want to leave it without an update. Yes, this thing was all drawn with a mouse, but the comic will mostly be drawn in pencil since it doesn't take me long to draw just in pencil. :)
magicalmisfits at 10:22PM, Sept. 9, 2006
The Trunk is one of the awsomeest ideas around for awhile. Only thing wrong with it is I did not think of it!
Lonnehart at 6:07PM, Sept. 8, 2006
I'm still thinking about the coloring bit. Coloring takes a lot of time, y'know. As for that trunk, it has a wierd way of escaping "secure" confinement. :)
Hogan at 3:48PM, Sept. 8, 2006
Nice to see the trunk stored away for safe keeping... forever! :P There's really being a lot of improvement since the first time around! :) Btw, how will you treat your CG-version?
KAM at 9:16AM, Sept. 8, 2006
Heh heh heh!
Joff at 1:39PM, Sept. 7, 2006
Yay! The trunk finds it's way to torment some other poor soul! ^_^
magickmaker at 1:37PM, Sept. 7, 2006
Hey, I remember this comic. It's nice to see it back.
The mediocre one at 1:33PM, Sept. 7, 2006
Well the whole star in cirlce thing is kinda over done, but meh, has potential.