The Lima Bean Dance, a.k.a. LBVD 2.0!
Kyoko_Chan on May 17, 2007
The Lima Bean dance was made in math class afer I finished my test. *It was really hard* So I relaxed by dootleing. This is the result. The first version, or LBDV 1.0 was thrown away due to the fact that there was peanut butter on it. *My backpack is veryyyy messy.*
ZoraBloop at 7:57AM, July 22, 2007
i've done the lima bean dance before except i replaced the juice for coffee. *screams:DAMN YOU PEANUT BUTTER FOR MESSING UP THE ORIGINAL LIMA BEAN DANCE!*
magickmaker at 5:47PM, June 10, 2007
My head got all dizzy-like there for a secind...
lothar at 4:45PM, May 18, 2007
wow !