- Grass
- Lights
- A great idea
- We can wait all night
- Cool hiding place
- A very deep christmas!
- Anybody there?
- Bouillabaisse
- Keep Them!
- Radical Medicine
- Thanksgiving
- Filler
- Micro-attack
- Split and conquer
- Anchor
- Loveworms
- Speed
- Water Fun!
- Plop!
- Who did it?
- Two's a crowd
- An entertaining worm
- A bad conscience
- 2 Many Conscience
- Conscience
- Mezcal
- Bottle opener
- Castaway
- GUEST COMIC - Carrollhach
- One too many
- FILLER - Back from holidays!
- GUEST COMIC - Conned
- Why is ocean water salty?
- The sunrays
- Filler
- Siesta
- A big fishbowl..
- Fame
- Sidekick
- Seaweed
- Fish can do many things
- Boredom flies away
- It was a dark and...
- Plagiarism
- The Wild Side
- Airplane
- Filler
- Unwanted propositions
- 100 th strip!
- Housewarming
- Seaturtles
- Ze Star
- Revenge!!
- Toads
- Half a star...
- ChiPs (and Fish)
- The chicks
- Is there somebody in there?
- Following Orders
- Orca Patrol
- The Evil Overlords (Guest strip by KAM)
- Seaweed
- Belly
- Seawolves
- Plankton
- Filler
- Pick-up lines
- Britney
- The Chick Magnet
- Webcomic Thing 2007
- Falling Star
- The Club
- Little Stars
- True Love
- A real star
- All for myself!
- Fun with the whales
- Blue Whale
- Whale Song
- Whale games
- Sanitary Pause
- Lonely
- Gibberish
- Captain Gupi!!!
- Playing games
- Microwave
- GUEST COMIC _ Loran Skinkis
- Television Star
- Stars
- Salty
- GUEST COMIC - Professor F 2nd contribution
- GUEST COMIC _ ProfessorF
- GUEST COMIC _ Holy Sock
- GUEST COMIC - Carrollhach
- GUEST COMIC - Nainami
- GUEST COMIC - Tantz Aerine
- GUEST COMIC - Magicalmisfits
- GUEST COMIC - Dockworker
- GUEST COMIC - Corvin
- Christmas
- Cool Piercing
- Yellow River
- Fish rule
- The Waterfall
- Surprises ahead!
- Burp!
- The way to freedom
- Damn you, free Willy!
- The Great Escape
- There's nothing worse than this...
- A "thing" in the toilet...
- More toilet humor
- Toilet
- Surfing
- Halloween Cameo Caper 2006
- "Bird and Worm"
- The Sequel
- I can't turn my back for 2 seconds!!!
- Tommy, again!!!
- T-shirt
- Horror movie
- Fried Fish
- Paradox
- Big brother is watching you
- Introducing Tommy
- Castle
- Superman
- Middle East
- First Escape
- Bottle Palace
- Naked
- Drunk
- Little Mermaid 2
- Little Mermaid 1
- Evolution
- Pollution
- Jacuzzi
- Ideas
- Dogfish?
- Soundbarrier
- When fish fly
- Bubbles
- Insomnia
- Citizenship
- Laundry
dracco on Jan. 8, 2006
Back online! I will be putting the old cartoons and some new ones one at a time. Waiting for your comments! Cheers!
Loud_G at 8:39AM, March 20, 2009
Ha! Great way to start off the comic :)
dracco at 4:36AM, March 9, 2007
Half Spanish-speaker... ;-)
anonymous at 2:59AM, March 9, 2007
Are you Spanish or Portuguese?
Kristen Gudsnuk at 11:23AM, Dec. 3, 2006
heheh aw
actress99 at 12:06PM, Nov. 19, 2006
lol. rofl
Randal at 7:22AM, Jan. 24, 2006
this would have been funnier to me if the last panel had no dialog.
VinoMas at 8:24AM, Jan. 16, 2006
this is one of my favorites from the old days of drunkduck!
Joff at 2:09PM, Jan. 10, 2006
Actually, it was closer to an old Jasper Carrot sketch about goldfish having short memories... But the Finding Nemo one works great too ^_^
dracco at 2:00AM, Jan. 10, 2006
Joff, was that a reference to "Finding Nemo"??. Hahaha! I Just figured it out! Took me a while.. (I'm always a bit slow when I wake up, I guess it's normal)... Will be updating this evening (Western European time).
magickmaker at 2:33PM, Jan. 9, 2006
Yay! You're back!
waterdragon at 2:11PM, Jan. 9, 2006
XDXD Very nice! I like the expressions.
Joff at 1:44PM, Jan. 9, 2006
He's gonna ask what's happening again in about ten minutes, isn't he?