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dragonestea on May 15, 2011
Hello everyone, and welcome to my first comic. I have been preparing for this day for four and a half months and I cannot tell you how excited I am to show you my work.
First off, something you should probably know about me. I like to be wordy, so expect a novel to frequently be sitting down here in the author's notes section. You have been warned.
Some people are artists who write, some are writers who draw. Look at this page for a second and take a wild guess as to which one I am. Hopefully my art is going to improve soon. I learn pretty fast.
There are a few other reasons why this looks kind of half-assed though. One of those reasons is that it is kind of half-assed. I wanted to get this out as soon as possible because I'm about to graduate from high school and I wanted to get the word out to the 250+ potential readers that attend said school with me before I left. The next comic will hopefully look better.
So, that out of the way, let me welcome you to Life Evolves!
TommyBrownell at 7:57AM, Feb. 16, 2012
Yeah, "we need more mirrors" is certainly an interesting hook.
dragonestea at 1:24PM, May 27, 2011
Oh, right. I had edited the text before but for some reason my edits were undone when I fixed the image. Shouldn't take long to fix though.
iliekcheez at 11:15AM, May 27, 2011
Finally, this works. Gud job dude. Also, misspelled haven't. Gotta nitpick.
dragonestea at 6:40PM, May 26, 2011
Fixed for the win! Now the comic can continue as planned!
dragonestea at 4:49AM, May 26, 2011
Beleive me, I tried making the original image HUGE, but it still didn't effect the size of the image on the duck. Tomorrow I have a friend coming over who says he knows how to fix it. Trust me, the version I have on my computer is much easier to read, not to mention much better looking. This heavily pixelated garbage hurts my eyes too, and I have perfect vision.
AeJaLove at 7:39PM, May 25, 2011
for someone cursed with a bad set of eyes like me.. the text is blinding me x_x being wordy is not a problem though :D maybe you should try size w600x800 ?
Casurus at 5:41AM, May 17, 2011
This is really great! Nice and foreboding to start it off. I think that the best way to establish some sort of "amazingness" is to essentially make the readers have no fucking idea what's going on. Since my brain is lying in a puddle on the floor, I would say you have done well.
dragonestea at 8:37PM, May 16, 2011
aaaaaannnnd holy crap did that ever come out smaller than expected. I'll try to fix that tomorrow.