Not Dead yet
dreamwatcher on Jan. 16, 2009
Terrar just refuses to die. Instead I’ve decided to “retool†it, kinda like a retelling of the story and characters all set in a new World, but with the same characters youve gotten used to. I'm just going to call it Project Engine for now. I’ll post more sketches and designs as i go.
LuckyLeprechaun at 4:24PM, Oct. 30, 2009
is it just me or did u change the color of his eyes? cuz in the banner they're Blue and they look green in the picture. well, anyway it looks good. keep it up.
Kxela at 11:07PM, Oct. 6, 2009
aww I like this comic too... update it soon ):3
dueeast at 7:59PM, Sept. 21, 2009
However you do it, just keep it coming when you can... :)
Denethor at 1:58PM, June 22, 2009
Nice art :D
Nakori at 3:28PM, March 5, 2009
waaa i liked the old stuff but im looking forward to the new plus im a Val fan girl now. what can I say, im a sucker for guys with elf ears *heart eyes*
Aghammer at 5:35AM, Feb. 11, 2009
awesome color work
Rina_ran at 1:26PM, Jan. 27, 2009
I love the "painted" unifinished sort of look of this picture. Stylish. :3 Well, all we can do is sit back and see what you're going to throw at us. Let's see. :3
Mutation at 6:20AM, Jan. 18, 2009
Huh, well, I hope it's as cool as the original version of Terrar I'm used to. :/
celrena at 5:23PM, Jan. 17, 2009
Very very nice picture :)
Gragon at 4:07PM, Jan. 17, 2009
But! But! I want Terrar :'(. You should make them fight with swords in the Project Engine. Guns aren't cool enough
xaxelx at 11:49AM, Jan. 17, 2009
You piss me off... I've been waiting for a new page forever!!! D: FILLER OR REAL PAGE, I DON'T CARE!