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kaminari on May 25, 2007
So was the insane wait for the next page worth it?Maybe, maybe not ;-pThanks to all of you who kept this comic around!Oh and it makes me sad when a guy with gorgeous long hair chops it off.
webcomics heh at 3:30PM, Oct. 13, 2009
A tear of blood... ...shall be shed... ...on the way to Hot Topic.
Janen at 10:10AM, Aug. 27, 2009
This comic looks great, I love the style.
Kamoourian King at 9:17PM, Feb. 6, 2009
**That's Bye bye.. God I'm an idiot >
Kamoourian King at 9:15PM, Feb. 6, 2009
Buy buy pretty hair.. Lovely art and great story line so far.
Mikato at 2:24PM, Nov. 8, 2008
This looks really good i hope you update soon. he had such pretty hair T_T
deleted-byrequest-03 at 6:55PM, April 13, 2008
The torn, bloody skin and insane laughter suites him.
Emeraldas at 9:06PM, Jan. 5, 2008
Very pretty ^_^
flyingwind66 at 5:18PM, July 8, 2007
I thought I'd check out your comic since you put a comment up for mine XD This is great! The coloring and the shading... the font really adds that extra *zing* hope to see more XD
ejb at 12:02PM, May 28, 2007
Smoosh that hair! Smoosh it good! Arek Baurwin
Peipei at 1:18PM, May 27, 2007
awesome ^.~
an0therspArkle at 5:08PM, May 26, 2007
Yeah. Totally concur about the hair thing.
D0m at 2:37PM, May 26, 2007
Gorgeous art so far. Looking forward to more!
webcomics heh at 3:30PM, Oct. 13, 2009
A tear of blood... ...shall be shed... ...on the way to Hot Topic.
Janen at 10:10AM, Aug. 27, 2009
This comic looks great, I love the style.
Kamoourian King at 9:17PM, Feb. 6, 2009
**That's Bye bye.. God I'm an idiot >
Kamoourian King at 9:15PM, Feb. 6, 2009
Buy buy pretty hair.. Lovely art and great story line so far.
Mikato at 2:24PM, Nov. 8, 2008
This looks really good i hope you update soon. he had such pretty hair T_T
deleted-byrequest-03 at 6:55PM, April 13, 2008
The torn, bloody skin and insane laughter suites him.
Emeraldas at 9:06PM, Jan. 5, 2008
Very pretty ^_^
flyingwind66 at 5:18PM, July 8, 2007
I thought I'd check out your comic since you put a comment up for mine XD This is great! The coloring and the shading... the font really adds that extra *zing* hope to see more XD
ejb at 12:02PM, May 28, 2007
Smoosh that hair! Smoosh it good! Arek Baurwin
Peipei at 1:18PM, May 27, 2007
awesome ^.~
an0therspArkle at 5:08PM, May 26, 2007
Yeah. Totally concur about the hair thing.
D0m at 2:37PM, May 26, 2007
Gorgeous art so far. Looking forward to more!