Kristen Gudsnuk on June 8, 2009
Hello, and welcome to Kristen's Personal Diary!! Basically I drew lots of comics when I was little (sadly I threw a LOT of them away… but I've got folders and folders of more of them somewhere…) and came across some hilariously bad ones recently, and so voila!
For those of you that can't read my adorable child-handwriting, the red part is a dream that I detailed in four pages of excruciating detail. I'll transcribe it for you:
Skips to the future. Kathryn & I are detective partners at Ima's house. We found a ghost, Aztec Pyramid, & lots of Mario coins.
The scene changes. Little Goku is in a pig-sty room with 2 big toughies. (age 21) They're all going like “Goku, you're so cool,” or “Wrestling is cool”. Li'l Goku goes, “Yeah,” looks at a poster of himself, has breakfast, and goes walking up the hill.
You may think I have too much time on my hands, but I really find my old journal to be a treasure-trove of freudian weirdness (note the Grandma comic.) and a weird 12-to-13-year-old's comments on life.
This comic may be one of those things that only my childhood friends and I find hilarious… anyway… marvel at my horrific art!!!
usedbooks at 8:13AM, July 3, 2010
My granddad died ten years ago... Also I was in college. I feel old.
contreras at 1:15PM, Aug. 7, 2009
wow this looks interesting
Lemniskate at 12:43AM, June 10, 2009
So it once made sense in your mind?
Jonko at 7:27PM, June 9, 2009
haha, super cute! This actually is only 9 years ago isn't it?
theorah at 12:34PM, June 9, 2009
I find this kind of stuff interesting! Ive kept alot things from when I was a kid too, I always found it strange how when youre a kid you mindlessly copy phrases/ideas youve seen before, without even thinking why youre doing it.