Kloteck Omen p.12
kahvie on June 10, 2007
Wut? Already? Man, that's a first. I finished the coloring for this last night, and literally did not get to sleep until about 7 in the morning the last two days of working on it. Never again.
Be glad I didn't write out some long-ass speech for Nightshade, otherwise I would have gone all obsessive-compulsive and drawn out pages upon pages of her walking around talkingD:. This page also refers back to the litter that Nightshade and Winchester lost. The second mate that Night brings up here also refers to Winchester's first mate, who passed away from an illness before Night came along (not Kahvie…Win raised Kavs, so obviously their relation is that of a father/daughter).
Anyways…someone is gonna get it in the next page.
ParakuKato at 1:13PM, March 26, 2012
I remember reading this on another site forever ago! wow! you should continue it!
CrisMajor at 10:53PM, July 18, 2010
LycanBlade at 2:16AM, June 13, 2010
OH...MY...GOD this is truly amazing, ur art astounds me
DinoRawrz at 11:08AM, Nov. 21, 2009
webcomics heh at 9:33AM, Oct. 27, 2009
Wow. These talking animals are kind of a bunch of dicks.
Hunchdebunch at 3:44AM, July 8, 2009
Wow, the artwork is really professional looking! *faved*
The Gravekeeper at 6:11PM, April 23, 2009
Count me in the faved list.
Inoshishi at 3:05PM, April 11, 2009
beautiful *·*
Senshuu at 12:21PM, Dec. 18, 2008
And it ends. ;x;
ZoeStead at 12:47PM, Oct. 18, 2008
Beautiful work. Looks like it should be an animation. *hearts*
Catya at 12:47PM, Aug. 29, 2008
I really like your artwork,I'm faving this comic now :)
sperro at 6:37PM, Aug. 11, 2008
Wow, your art is very beautiful. :3 Well done!
Zakoura at 4:24PM, July 24, 2008
oh my god your art is just amazing :D *can't wait till next page*
worstcase at 7:15PM, July 16, 2008
I love it. LOVE IT!
MY NAME IS NL at 9:43PM, June 17, 2008
That's it? Awww! More please? ^_^
Kali at 5:22AM, June 15, 2008
This is cool. fav'd
Kenz Lee at 12:22PM, March 19, 2008
My gosh, I just found this! Your Art is gorgeous and your story is great, definately fav'd
Scorpious at 4:41PM, March 17, 2008
very nice,, i got a little confuse about the genders but now i got them straight, very good comic indeed!
Vampvirus at 7:40AM, Jan. 9, 2008
i really like you're comic idea as well as the art :D woot woot
Michikoyama at 8:07PM, Jan. 1, 2008
I love the artwork and then story line. ^^ Keep up the good work.
riyuandpanja at 2:03PM, Nov. 15, 2007
Amazing story and art work! =3
dragodraconis at 12:09PM, Nov. 12, 2007
awesome coloring
marcusninja at 6:45AM, Nov. 1, 2007
Wow, kickass art, dude. Nice work!
Krensada at 4:29AM, Aug. 31, 2007
I only have one peeve of this comic...sometimes your characters don't stand out from the background very well.
Tamagoakura at 10:43AM, Aug. 23, 2007
Wow! This art is amazing, it looks like something that belongs in animation. I love Nightshade, she's so angry. =P