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da_kasha on May 30, 2009
Kurayami at 3:27PM, Oct. 11, 2009
oho i like where this is going! Naming someone/something a number is so badasss *fav*
harkovast at 1:06PM, Aug. 1, 2009
Does Mod Argue have to fight Rocker Argue?
drip at 6:44AM, May 31, 2009
oooh looks intresting
Lunetta at 5:07AM, May 31, 2009
looks nice, i'm waiting for more now and faved it :)
chocann at 2:37AM, May 31, 2009
kool cant wait to read more
Kurayami at 3:27PM, Oct. 11, 2009
oho i like where this is going! Naming someone/something a number is so badasss *fav*
harkovast at 1:06PM, Aug. 1, 2009
Does Mod Argue have to fight Rocker Argue?
drip at 6:44AM, May 31, 2009
oooh looks intresting
Lunetta at 5:07AM, May 31, 2009
looks nice, i'm waiting for more now and faved it :)
chocann at 2:37AM, May 31, 2009
kool cant wait to read more