- Chapter 1: Crash! Bang! Ow!
Tim the Enchanter on Nov. 20, 2007
Ok, I admit, this was supposed to be about the size of a.. whaddyecallit? in dutch it's an a4 sheet.
well, I got the first couple o'panels but then stopped, and didn't do ANYTHING for about two, three months?
and then I thought: Meh, what the hell
so just uploaded this, to have at least something…
I hope there's a prize for being the slowest comic writer in the WORDL!!
I hope I win it :D
webcomics heh at 11:58PM, Oct. 13, 2009
The zaniness has been amped up to a WACKY level brah. Heh.
milkjunkie at 7:27AM, May 28, 2008
you're getting lazy man ;)
Tim the Enchanter at 10:06AM, Nov. 21, 2007
OMFG IT'S FIVE!!! FIVE FRIGGIN MONTHS AND TWO EFFING WEEKS hehe, I'm commenting myself, before anyone else... that must be the lowest thing one can do around here.