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demon yoshi king on June 24, 2008
Not much to say.Oh its joinable.
I Am The 1337 Master at 11:22AM, April 21, 2010
happy bombs!
Rayqui at 2:28AM, Dec. 24, 2009
Who cares, this is awesome.
ChrisTH at 9:08PM, July 15, 2009
people havn't noticed that this comic hasn't updated for a year >.>
SuperNovaX at 7:48AM, July 7, 2009
This was awesome.
Jayden2305 at 9:45PM, March 7, 2009
BOOM! fav'd and a half
BohemianBear at 11:11PM, Dec. 24, 2008
I lol'd so faved.
THKNN_NUL at 10:24AM, July 21, 2008
poonipoonz at 5:22PM, June 25, 2008
This comic actually look's promising in some way. Fave for now...
I Am The 1337 Master at 11:22AM, April 21, 2010
happy bombs!
Rayqui at 2:28AM, Dec. 24, 2009
Who cares, this is awesome.
ChrisTH at 9:08PM, July 15, 2009
people havn't noticed that this comic hasn't updated for a year >.>
SuperNovaX at 7:48AM, July 7, 2009
This was awesome.
Jayden2305 at 9:45PM, March 7, 2009
BOOM! fav'd and a half
BohemianBear at 11:11PM, Dec. 24, 2008
I lol'd so faved.
THKNN_NUL at 10:24AM, July 21, 2008
poonipoonz at 5:22PM, June 25, 2008
This comic actually look's promising in some way. Fave for now...