Issue 0: "Getting To Know Your Insane Vegetable People"
flammingcorn on Jan. 9, 2010
GOD, Nehemiah is tall…I tend to underestimate how F*CKING GIGANTIC he is (which is also why I couldn't fit all of the big lummox in the picture). But whatever. If you haven't followed me here from some art site, then you'll soon get to know all these fellas anyway. XD THAT WHAT THIS CHAPTER IS FOR…
Alphamale73 at 9:50PM, Oct. 10, 2010
I sure hope you haven't given up on this story.
flammingcorn at 1:42AM, Jan. 14, 2010
Fff, creepy stalkers are fun! 8D
LOOKIS at 5:31PM, Jan. 13, 2010
What made you think I was following you? *shifty eyes*
flammingcorn at 7:11AM, Jan. 13, 2010
Technically she's a cherry tomato nun. XD But yes, yes she is. :D
harkovast at 7:08AM, Jan. 13, 2010
Is that tomato a nun?