Calendar - The Night She Walked In
drustan on Sept. 2, 2008
Lost in the wilds of the Kestrean Empire, Greylock, Bilmar, and Marchello engage in a hedonistic lifestyle. One night a mysterious and beautiful woman walks into his life. He falls in love with Hollis (though love is an emotion he had dismissed as useless a long time ago). But Hollis is much more than she appears to be (and the clue to her identity is in this panel, if you've been looking closely at previous posts). Their relationship changes not only Greylock's life, but sets in motion a sequence of events that will change the universe.
This is the last of the calendar pages. This may be the last update for awhile. Progress has been made on getting #2 ready, but my partner Fred has suddenly gotten much busier with real life. He and his wife just had their first baby! Congrats!
yakamoto_san at 9:22PM, Sept. 23, 2008
Looking good guys! Congratulations on the baby too!
roycemarie at 2:00PM, Sept. 4, 2008
Congrats! Come on back ASAP.