23: Under My Skin
Lsnewton on Sept. 2, 2007
Sorry about the big break. End of term at uni, and so it's getting harder as the year goes on to get these in.
Anyway, this one look familiar? It was kind of an ‘alternate ending’ to strip 16. Left it out then because it hurt just to think of it at the time.
Especially since the visuals here are a little toned down from the first draft.
EDIT: Okay, uploaded a version that fixed the speech line in the first panel, and it looks fine in the editing window here, but for some reason it's not showing up on the actual comic page, even after I purge all my temp files to force a total reload. Random.
How's it look to everyone else?
Ersatz at 6:11AM, Sept. 8, 2007
That should never have to happen to anyone. NEVER HAPPEN TO ANYONE!!!!
Calintz at 11:39AM, Sept. 4, 2007
funny as ever, but now my downstairs is living in fear of that happening lol
Insizwa at 1:16PM, Sept. 3, 2007
My downstairs hurts just thinking about it.
Poki_rat at 12:41PM, Sept. 3, 2007
Serious ouches man.
The Author at 12:07PM, Sept. 3, 2007
Ouch dude... Ouch!
dgriff13 at 10:01AM, Sept. 3, 2007
oh dear god! LOL
harleydane999 at 8:39AM, Sept. 3, 2007
OUCH! I love Genie Man! Your comic rox!
Luffy91 at 8:28AM, Sept. 3, 2007
nive he ripped open his *#$%s so that she could go inside him u sir are a twisted genious wich is why i salute u
JaT at 7:56AM, Sept. 3, 2007
Erm... Ow?
Custard Trout at 7:56AM, Sept. 3, 2007
The speech line for the wife is pointing the wrong way in the first panel.
PandaChaosProduction at 7:43AM, Sept. 3, 2007
0.o I could imagine a various things he did down there and none of em are to pretty. awesome update though. -jeff