usedbooks on Oct. 18, 2008
Gelotology is the study of humor and laughter. (From the latin gelos, meaning laugh.)
I'm have my masters degree in Biology and am the daughter of a high school physics teacher (father) and high school ecology/biology teacher (mother). Science humor is an integral part of my life. For years, my brother and I have made up goofy science gags, wanting to incorporate them into some sort of parody story. I decided it is time to compile them into a comic. – Bear with the so-called “art” as I am a biologist, not an artist. ;-)
This comic will appeal to anyone with a scientific mind and a juvenile sense of humor. I'll do my best to avoid explaining jokes unless asked. (I won't insult your intelligence.) This comic will update 1+ times per week and is mostly an outlet to keep my mind from going stale while I have writer/artist block on my long-running serious/dramatic story Used Books.
Pirka at 7:03AM, Nov. 25, 2009
I just finished reading all of the strips thus far. Very appealing to someone with a 'mythbusters' sense of humor (I can't really come up with a better word, hehe). ;) Faved it, too! Keep up the awesome work! ~ Pirka
Loud_G at 5:38AM, Jan. 30, 2009
I actually think you've grown quite nicely as an artist. You have a consistent style that is recognizable and pleasing on the eyes. I think you can consider yourself an artist :)
usedbooks at 2:11PM, Oct. 20, 2008
I almost named the comic "Lolology," but I decided it needed an overeducated name. I actually had to look it up. I knew that the "science of humor" had to exist. Lo and behold, it does! I plan on referencing other obscure studies and experiments now and then. Maybe we'll all learn stuff.
patrickdevine at 1:03PM, Oct. 20, 2008
I'm glad that you bothered to translate that, I would've thought that Gelotology was the study of Gelato. Or Jello. Or some other dessert.
usedbooks at 9:50AM, Oct. 20, 2008
Thanks, guys. I'm coloring the first strip now. I should have it up today.
LanceDanger at 9:34AM, Oct. 20, 2008
Lol the one on the left has such a maniacal looking laugh XD
amanda at 8:26PM, Oct. 19, 2008
Oooh! New comic!