kingdomheartless on June 15, 2006
This is a flyer to my studio
I am going through a whole busy schedule makign this comic, because since its based on the interactive game, i want to have the backgrounds completely detailed the way it was originally designed. I want all the avatars done just like the avatars i see there, I even want to use magic in the story. This is going to be a big project for me. I am wayyy excited. If you have a gaia account and want to be in the comic, just message me up. This flyer was distributed at anime boston so i can promote my work. The character you see before you is a charicature of myself, yes i dress in ruffles shirts in real life. But this is also my own avatar in the comic. I wanted my avatar to represent and look like me
shino at 12:54PM, May 28, 2008
oh my god FAVED!!!!
deepcheese at 8:37AM, May 3, 2008
Nice pic!
DarkChibiShadow at 3:42PM, June 15, 2007
Thats really pretty. Cool.
Ninja_Jette at 5:45AM, Aug. 23, 2006
wow.. so pretty
lothar at 2:09AM, Aug. 16, 2006
yea , that costumem does look uncomfortable !
kirbydjinn at 5:46PM, Aug. 15, 2006
uh if you need to contact me it's cause i've got a gaia character. also my comic features my character (bag man/alex same people though) so yeah! that'd be awesome!
kirbydjinn at 5:43PM, Aug. 15, 2006
cool! how do we message you up?
Sniickers at 8:03PM, July 3, 2006
Very beautiful coloring here. You can use either my main account(Sniickers) or my mule(Roxas Chan) in the comic. Best way to contact me is on GO. Keep up the great work!
Wyrvvn at 12:36AM, June 27, 2006
gaia, as in gaia online, as in the forum website I can barely pry myself of of...?
chichi8839 at 6:43AM, June 17, 2006
if u would check on my parellal dreams u would see the pic I want on azs my border, I just put it up, and i will also put up another image but I want it lke on the side or something..and may be u could fansy up the next bars, and hey u know when u ar on ur comic and there is the drunk duck logo to send u back I want to change that logo if u can plzz tell me, here is my e-mail, write to me and I will send u the stuff with my password in it..ok thanks a bunch..
chichi8839 at 8:42PM, June 16, 2006
lol I wish I knew what U had said cause I aint a computer person, and it took me months to figure out just now how to put music on my page, I have been begging for assistance of people who wanna do my backgrounds and fansy my pages but I have no takers sadly,
herio at 5:06PM, June 16, 2006
no prob
herio at 5:01PM, June 16, 2006
not really you look fine
herio at 4:41PM, June 16, 2006
i took me ages to get them to i had to sell all most all my old stuff
herio at 4:35PM, June 16, 2006
my avi name is laok
herio at 4:30PM, June 16, 2006
you can have me in it if you want i a big fan for fair stuff
herio at 4:04PM, June 16, 2006
i love that game
chichi8839 at 2:43PM, June 16, 2006
may I ask how do u make the back ground, and allow the text to bne white
chichi8839 at 11:05AM, June 16, 2006
oh my gosh this is so nice, I absolutrly love it I am faving u , man how do yall make those cool web back ground they are sop awesome..u should check out my comic and tell me what u think of it, I mean if u wanna dont really wanna sound bossy..