VanKid on May 9, 2007
The fourth page….=D
Again, the deadites is a damn headache to me +_+…and yes! I admit that this page is too messy! I cannot follow like more than 90 percent of the actions done in the original drawing, so I have to cramp everything in…
What can I say?
GO, JASON, GO! Show those zombies who's boss!!
Done in Pilot drawing pens, Uniball Fine pens, and good old Photoshop…
To get to the spoilers, give genocyber a visit (http://genocyber.deviantart.com)
*PS* I know the installment of my comics are sooo snail-slow, but bear with me, please; cuz I still got another life to hold on to…
jdkntcjv at 9:59PM, Oct. 3, 2010
why did u stop i lovre this ur an awesome artist more please :D
necrolichmon at 4:42PM, May 3, 2010
its been done. Jason Vs. The Evil Dead. good art anyway.
eched at 6:23AM, July 18, 2009
Eat him alive zombies!
royduncan100 at 5:59AM, July 11, 2008
The Author at 6:56AM, May 10, 2007
Go zombies go!