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rayray on Jan. 4, 2008
Hi this is the start of Forbiden Fruit ^_^ (— OLD)EDIT:Im the right for this but Nya_ness_zell is the drawer i only drew the cover pagew thats it soo anyways yha more pagews opefully soon ~^_^
moongem16 at 1:03PM, July 9, 2008
I like the flashing forbiden fruit that's really cool. ^__^
rayray at 3:50AM, Jan. 8, 2008
id have to pay in candy hmm what about some pock during finnals?^^ and dha zelly your the artist cause i cant draw as good as you
Nya_Ness_Zell at 5:43PM, Jan. 7, 2008
oops! rate is forgotten
Nya_Ness_Zell at 5:41PM, Jan. 7, 2008
nya, rayray i have come to teh rescue! or something like it...whatever. but if you like i could be your artist! you would only have to pay me in candy canes! :P
moongem16 at 1:03PM, July 9, 2008
I like the flashing forbiden fruit that's really cool. ^__^
rayray at 3:50AM, Jan. 8, 2008
id have to pay in candy hmm what about some pock during finnals?^^ and dha zelly your the artist cause i cant draw as good as you
Nya_Ness_Zell at 5:43PM, Jan. 7, 2008
oops! rate is forgotten
Nya_Ness_Zell at 5:41PM, Jan. 7, 2008
nya, rayray i have come to teh rescue! or something like it...whatever. but if you like i could be your artist! you would only have to pay me in candy canes! :P