Ch01 Pg38
Pinax on Aug. 14, 2009
The 2nd panel managed to be one of the most technically difficult and time-consuming shots ever made for this manga so far. At least that was what I thought after finishing it -_-
Next one will be a single-panel-double-page spread, muhaha… (evil laugh)
Thanks for the comments! :)
Question from previous page:
Nice gray tones! Did you buy zip-a-tone paper or use a photoshop to create them?Especially these last few pages, mostly they were grayscale converted into half-tone bitmap in photoshop, although there are some parts that were made directly as digital tones in manga studio.
wildcard at 7:05PM, Aug. 20, 2009
The time spent on the 2nd panel wasn't wasted, whatever's forming looks kick ass!
khard12 at 9:34AM, Aug. 17, 2009
Wow! That 2nd panel is amazing!
Cohen at 2:08PM, Aug. 16, 2009
digimon! digital monsters! digmon fighting evil!... digimon is the first thing that comes to mind when i look at the -digital- -man-
jcys810 at 1:00AM, Aug. 16, 2009
Woah, looks freaking awesome!
Graphictruth at 9:43PM, Aug. 15, 2009
Re second panel: How many layers WAS that? Oddly, no-one has yet said anything about the soldier being "disarmed." Well, I refuse to descend to that level.
Bluey at 7:49PM, Aug. 15, 2009
luvtehcomix at 2:51PM, Aug. 15, 2009
yes! swearing! yes! violence! alright!!
HiNaTa_fan_13 at 2:32PM, Aug. 15, 2009
dontworrybehappy at 2:18PM, Aug. 15, 2009
no wonder!!!!!!! this is my favorite page so far.
Stig Hemmer at 12:12PM, Aug. 15, 2009
Amazing effects! And that soldier had more guts than brains...
theBSDude at 12:10PM, Aug. 15, 2009
Haaaaaa! Careful you don't get your head popped off, army dude.
Snow Flower at 11:43AM, Aug. 15, 2009
8D Whoa, this is amazing!! I have to keep reading, so please put some more pages out soon! =D
osakilina at 10:02AM, Aug. 15, 2009
Fantastic page! o_o!