Page 106
mlai on Nov. 18, 2010
Nuada's back in form, saying stupid things. Ed started the trend first, but even in Nuada's source fiction he made terrible jokes. Though that was just because the show's writers were terrible.
Read the companion comic FIGHT 1, updated Mondays!
Check out FIGHT Cast (the clickable banner above the comics page) for character profiles.
giovanni at 11:21AM, May 2, 2013
well, i have been patient for 3 years. it does seems that this wonderful comic has died of its good death. it would have been nice to have had a farewell page.
giovanni at 11:20AM, May 2, 2013
giovanni at 7:15AM, March 25, 2012
it was a lonely year
ProjectBurn at 4:28PM, March 3, 2012
Noooooooooooo!!!! I want more!!!
giovanni at 8:29AM, Dec. 5, 2011
long long ago....
giovanni at 7:41AM, Sept. 25, 2011
its the truth that you pencil pages? i will wait then
JustNoPoint at 12:40PM, July 22, 2011
Hey you don't have to worry about that web ring again!!!
mlai at 4:14AM, April 12, 2011
Hmm okay, I'll get rid of the manga web ring link on this comic as well. And here I thought I got a laziness problem preventing me from updating this comic... just so y'all know I'm actually penciling more pages on this comic... s'truth!
giovanni at 5:43AM, April 11, 2011
you got a publicity problem in your comics, both of them theres a publicity that force change the webpage to its own
mlai at 4:53PM, Dec. 16, 2010
[b]I'll get back to updating this as soon as I finish drawing a few pages for [u]FIGHT 1[/u].[/b]
Lord the 22nd at 8:11AM, Dec. 15, 2010
I'm glad this comics back. I missed it so.
M_Northstar at 3:41PM, Nov. 29, 2010
@JSP: Or better yet, panel 6 exactly as it is now, and panel 7 without text, otherwisse exactly the same. Well, almost exactly the same, you'd have to vary Nuada's expression to make the sequence seem natural, and the opportunities for hilarity that makes are nearly endless (burping, anyone? Or drooling? Or suddenly uncertain?) :-)
Evil Emperor Nick at 10:49AM, Nov. 24, 2010
"Haha..yea seriousl I filled up on Hanno and got so full couldn't even look at Amok."
Swiftgold at 5:34PM, Nov. 21, 2010
Ahahah, this is great :D
mlai at 6:12PM, Nov. 19, 2010
[quote]This is MUCH funnier than when I read it in the script[/quote] Reading 500 chapters of Kenichi helps. [quote]I almost wish that you had 1 more panel. The 6th panel having no text but staying the image it is already[/quote] Oh god, surely you jest. You should lose all respect for me if I actually did that. And her cowlick is wobbling because she's using her jaw muscles. See? It totally makes sense! [quote]I'm slightly in shock, though... you used to never want to cover up your art with lettering.[/quote] I cheated... I covered up only art that I was recycling, so ppl don't notice (as much) that it's recycled... [b]@ Corn:[/b] His arm was doing that but he freaked out.
edbang at 10:03AM, Nov. 19, 2010
Yeah I agree with JNP... These last couple of pages do have a dailies feel to them... Stupid? That's gold baybee! I agree, though... the show's writers were terrible. I think she ate the entrails... I'm slightly in shock, though... you used to never want to cover up your art with lettering.... good form.
CornBreadtm at 9:54AM, Nov. 19, 2010
He should have ate them and Megaman'd their powers like Chase did. :P
JustNoPoint at 9:03AM, Nov. 19, 2010
Wait... you totally made her bug antenna wobbling? I have now lost all respect for you!!!
JustNoPoint at 9:02AM, Nov. 19, 2010
HAHA I could totally see this becoming one of those little strip comics where the 2 sit in one spot and you make simple jokes each day XD I thought you said you were BAD at humor. This is MUCH funnier than when I read it in the script with how you drew it ^_^ Last panel equals WIN I almost wish that you had 1 more panel. The 6th panel having no text but staying the image it is already and the 7th where he says "No not really" :P