[ Chapter 1 :: Page 17 ]
Ummy on Jan. 11, 2010
Okay, I mean serious business this time.
I've done a bunch of uhm…“soul-searching” these past months. In college, it has been difficult for me to logically use my time. I lost sense of my drawing once my old laptop blew up, but now I'm beginning to uncover my passion once again.
I'm still trying to ease my way back into the webcomic drawing style using a different program, so please bear with the messiness.
I love all of you readers very, very much. Thank you so much for your patience.
AnimeVampiress at 11:42PM, Jan. 22, 2010
Ummy-chan, how I missed you so! ;-; I'm glad to see you've been doing all right other than the college stuff, and I'm also happy to see you've continued the comic again. The drawing style definitely changed somewhat, but the boys are no less adorable than they were before the hiatus. Can't wait for more, my dear!