Issue 1, page 17
kmajor on June 19, 2009
I'm sorry you guys. I've been having trouble getting the work done. I don't know when I'll get it together. *cries* I'm kinda not sure when the next page will be finished at this point. I'd love to say it'll be up next week, but I'd also love to have a million dollars and a swimming pool. D: Oh, also, a frozen daiquiri would be lovely.
lasse at 3:36PM, Aug. 5, 2011
What happened here? this webcomic had so much promise. But now nothing has been done for two years. WTF?! I'm so god damn disappointed. IF I knew how, I would remove this from my fav list, where it has been for two years -.-'
taltamir at 3:52PM, May 10, 2010
pretty cool. they are both fairly young... sometimes its hard to tell (especially with a comic)
kmajor at 11:52AM, Dec. 10, 2009
Thanks taltamir. I actually have this issue pretty much scripted already, and part of the second issue. (I always make changes when I start doing my layouts, but I guess everyone probably does.) It's definitely good advice to plan things out ahead. I've got only a really rough outline for this series, and I do need to nail it down a little more, especially as far as the timeline. (Like, I should keep track maybe of the seasons, and when holidays and people's birthdays are, lol.) Genna is 16 years old, and a junior in high school. Kyren is 19.
taltamir at 2:49AM, Nov. 19, 2009
cool, take your time. It might help to start out with writing the big things you plan on happening from the begining to end of the comic, then a few major things that are smaller than it, and so forth. The little details might just fill themselves if you know you need to get from point A to point B. BTW, how OLD is she exactly?
kmajor at 7:46AM, Oct. 10, 2009
Thank you, guys! I swear there are more pages coming soon. I've been all ARTBLOCKED, but I will persevere! And catch up on other people's comics. Aaarg.
curlpop at 8:30PM, Sept. 8, 2009
taradaga at 2:44PM, Sept. 1, 2009
MISSING THIS!! Even though I know how busy y'kin get.
The Derkomai at 12:40AM, July 4, 2009
Last panel rocks my socks. Peace of mind, kmajor, we all have things that get in the way, haha. Make sure you still enjoy making this comic -- don't rush!
kmajor at 1:41PM, June 22, 2009
@Luminous: Thank you! I like designing silly t-shirts. @ShinuZero: Elves r lyke, totally spooky.
ShinuZero at 11:45AM, June 21, 2009
haha "spooky elf powers" I just noticed the shit design, freaking win
Luminous at 8:55PM, June 20, 2009
Hah, I like her expression in the second to last panel. Oh and her shirt - her shirt is too cute. For some reason I'm just getting around to mentioning said shirt cuteness.