Page 002 - Emerald Split
SqueakTheWhat on Aug. 18, 2010
So yeah, I kind of forgot about this thing, but then I saw the positive comments on it so I made myself update it.
Just got back from vacation a day or two ago, obviously daily updates isn't gonna work, so I'm gonna try for at least 3 times a week. Hopefully.
SqueakTheWhat at 8:02PM, Aug. 24, 2010
Thanks for the positive comments...I think. Even though it's only 1 and maybe 2(not sure about Alex), it really makes me want to actually follow through with this. The reason for no update though is back to school induced depression. Just give me a few days to get over it and for boredom to kick in.
soonmme at 12:23AM, Aug. 22, 2010
[s]you suck i hate you go suck a dick[/s] dude its so small fucking dd made me log in for this shit man so i must care or something. keep going or somthing
xVegitox at 9:03AM, Aug. 20, 2010
Seems like only the green emerald is left. I wonder why