Oestaira on June 29, 2006
I told myself I would never do filler art…I lied…but I only lied to myself, so it's ok!
I've been really busy with my other comic, Broken Star…that and my parents moved in with me about a week ago and I don't have much time to myself anymore…and my boss quit so work is hectic…I'll get back to DitL ASAP. Don't hurt me ;_;
This is Shaleigh…yea, she's not in the comic yet. I love her fashion sense tho. I'd totaly do her.
on the kitchen counter
in a hurricane
Solude at 9:46PM, April 12, 2008
aww it died
thrugar at 3:06PM, Dec. 7, 2007
06? so will we ever see an update? or is this dead?
uber_lorax at 7:17PM, April 25, 2007
also dead? :(
Bekefel at 3:37PM, Jan. 29, 2007
Wow. I finally meet someone who updates slower than me! A comic about lesbians, ironic how i should find this on a day doesnt matter ;P Im going to assume this comic is dead unless you say otherwise.
BigFishComic at 7:51PM, Nov. 30, 2006
nice comic~! go lesbians! even a nice filler!
BlackTemplar2 at 12:17PM, Oct. 28, 2006
Wheres the updates??????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????
Teal at 8:45PM, July 5, 2006
oh man. this shit's awesome (no it's not shit.. just my normal lingo. to explain myself)
BlackTemplar2 at 12:21PM, July 5, 2006
I am sorry for my earlier comment, it was intended as a joke and i would like you yo know it will never happen again.
Oestaira at 8:29AM, July 1, 2006
You wouldn't have to, Jess! She's a hetero! XD
Jessix at 8:11AM, July 1, 2006
I'd get a sex change to do her *nod nod*
Mr Shovels at 7:52PM, June 30, 2006
I looove her out fit. Might I join in? Oo Take your tiiime with the comic. You rush it then it starts getting less yummy and you start feeling waaay less yummy. Yummy being my main adjective for the week btw. I shall wait! W/ a 5!
allanah at 7:50PM, June 30, 2006
I like your art and pacing of the comic. Hope to see more :)
subcultured at 6:38PM, June 30, 2006
lesbianialicous ^_^
lefarce at 6:38PM, June 30, 2006
I heard there was a comic about lesbians. Naturally, I ran right the hell over. Haha, but jackassery aside, this is some very nice artwork! I'm not much of a pencile art fan, but this is very nice.