Omake Theater: The Christmas Card
Ten chan on Dec. 13, 2007
To those of you who celebrate, Merry Christmas! Love, Kyuho, Soucy, Risse, and Ten-chan.
For those of you who don't, I hope you'll take the feelings of good cheer into account. It's the time of year I get all mushy and want to give people smiles. Believe me, it only happens once a year.
Why Omake Theater? Well, this pic is a bit of a joke. For one thing, the boys are DEMONS. They don't celebrate Christmas! And I think this will be one of the only times you get to see at least one of them slumming it. This is my way of saying THANK YOU to all of you who have favorited me, and I hope you all will return.
So, thank you.
~ Ten-chan
Mikato at 8:02PM, Sept. 28, 2008
That looks cute but i feel bad for the main character his life has got to suck
shino at 8:46AM, April 11, 2008
Stig Hemmer at 5:59PM, Feb. 18, 2008
Your art is beautiful. I would love to see more of it.
warofwinds at 6:32PM, Dec. 14, 2007
WOW, TnR! I loved this piece just pencil, and it blows my mind in color! *glomps Kyuho* *steals Soucy and runs away* XD
Darwin at 10:28PM, Dec. 13, 2007
Coppery eyes melt my heart! Eyes of a lion...eyes of Kiki (my newest cat). MUCH SQUEENESS!! This came out amazing! I love it! And you're welcome for the encouragement...I owe it to you after badgering you so long about getting into the webcomicking thing in the first place! Oh I know this will lend itself well to the graphic format! And you'll'll end up with IYH over here after the bug has got wait! HEE! MERRY CHRISTMAS if I don't talk to you beforehand!! Take care! ME!
usedbooks at 10:08PM, Dec. 13, 2007
Update when you can. Just don't let your project die. Too many lovely abandoned comics litter DD. :-( This is a beautiful "filler." I seriously envy your ability to draw hands.