I shall now translate ren. In the sixth an eighth panels she said: Master!
In the seventh she said: From now till the end of time, I will searve you my master. I will do anything you ask, for I amâ¦..your slave.
Yes I translated a spelling error too.
Ah, yes. The long, painful process of teaching a totally alien lifeform your language. Haha.
You really need some form of badge to signify rank. That way, people will respect you more without making you resort to "El Beast Grande."
Tokoseibouit at 9:45AM, March 21, 2009
I also translated it. He is right.
Colak at 6:13PM, Feb. 26, 2009
I shall now translate ren. In the sixth an eighth panels she said: Master! In the seventh she said: From now till the end of time, I will searve you my master. I will do anything you ask, for I amâ¦..your slave. Yes I translated a spelling error too.
General_Ebon at 2:35PM, Feb. 16, 2009
Lol Awwwwww...
Tifa Valentine at 5:09PM, Jan. 28, 2009
>:3 so she's not going to go crazy over you and call you master? well...i guess i'm not thinking straight...
Omegatau at 5:02PM, Jan. 28, 2009
Keep telling yourself that Tifa. keep telling yourself that.
Tifa Valentine at 8:26AM, Jan. 28, 2009
*knows how it's going to happen and laughing cause she has the first DearS book* roflmfao!!! i love knowing how this is going to go! x3
opdisk225 at 3:57AM, Jan. 28, 2009
Now you need to teach her how to talk...
Omegatau at 10:31PM, Jan. 27, 2009
I'm trying to base it off the manga. But not too much due to copyright. As for the badge thing, screw that! I like to surprise the shit out of them.
Sax Z at 10:28PM, Jan. 27, 2009
Ah, yes. The long, painful process of teaching a totally alien lifeform your language. Haha. You really need some form of badge to signify rank. That way, people will respect you more without making you resort to "El Beast Grande."
Tifa Valentine at 10:08PM, Jan. 27, 2009
*sitting in a corner snickering*