Prologue, Pg 4
Ishimaru Michiyo on May 29, 2006
Updated: At least once a week (at random).
Important: Comic is read in manga format (right to left)
questions to:
Sorry I haven't updated! I didn't have much time to go the computer so I couldn't update! Anyways, please enjoy! and leave a comment if u read =]] thank you!
Darkmax at 12:21PM, Oct. 30, 2006
Ninja_Jette at 3:01PM, May 31, 2006
omg this is horrible! so sad! but i really agree with everything Nigellashade said. great work!
Nigellashade at 12:24AM, May 31, 2006
It's sad seeing many different species, fighting against one another. The artworks are done well on this page, it gives a feeling of anime in some way.. ^___^ ~M~ v~~~~v