Imagine on Jan. 31, 2009
Here it is.
For those of you who are still reading this comic, thank you. I don't really deserve it, with my updating-schedule. I have only one explanation: I'm lazy. (and these pages are a lot of work..)
Hope to solve this problem someday, but for now.. keep looking out for page 15, it'll probably be online in 2010. :-P
AlpineBob at 12:27AM, May 16, 2016
Well, I guess you found something else to do, but this is very cool. I wonder where you were going to go from here...
Lemniskate at 2:31AM, Oct. 20, 2013
I seem to have to come back every once in a while.
Lemniskate at 5:11AM, Feb. 29, 2012
Lemniskate at 9:45PM, Feb. 3, 2010
Well, now it can be earliest 2010, all right. Still got 11 months to go :)
cecvove at 10:54AM, Oct. 6, 2009
its so beautiful
emecetaylor at 5:39PM, Sept. 16, 2009
hey dude do u got a tutorial or something on how u do ur magic and beatiful drawings :)
emecetaylor at 5:27PM, Sept. 16, 2009
wow you drawings are the most beatiful eve seen in long time gonna read all the comic then ill comment
kaiyaweird at 3:22PM, May 15, 2009
wow, this is really amazing! i got hooked right away! I hope there is more soon!
Zad at 5:11PM, March 20, 2009
DIEN! It's DIEN! DIEN is back! (Oh wait, it's been back for a while? D:) Glad to see that it wasn't really the end. (That was cruel!)
milkjunkie at 10:19AM, Feb. 8, 2009
i hadn't seen it. the last page i'd seen was 11, i think and then.. a big, black hole. but i'm still curious to know what will happen next :)
milkjunkie at 10:05AM, Feb. 8, 2009
well, i've hit the refreshbutton 10 times now, i guess page 15 won't be up soon. see you in 2010 *waves*
seventy2 at 9:30AM, Feb. 7, 2009
about the fiftieth time of stubbing his two every 42 seconds, Dein realizes he wasnt in heaven. i didnt even know you were still updating till today..
TheMidge28 at 8:48AM, Feb. 4, 2009
2010! yikes! I am glad to see a new update none the less. your pages are so beautiful. That tree... wow! amazing. Please don't be lazy. Must have more of this story.
blntmaker at 4:59PM, Feb. 1, 2009
WOW Masterfully done!
Fly Hue at 6:57AM, Feb. 1, 2009
Details all aside, I have to say I really love the base drawings of your work. It's a very striking style.
draconia11 at 6:30AM, Feb. 1, 2009
YES a new page.This is lovely, and I can't wait to see where it goes next!
Lemniskate at 5:41AM, Feb. 1, 2009
Nice panel layout.