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sonia_leong on Oct. 22, 2008
Cyborg operative, Cho Tanaka is assigned to a dangerous mission. Will her feelings for day-dreaming doctor, Ben Mayhew, ever be returned?
Mutation at 8:00AM, Oct. 23, 2008
Well, being a cyborg she's part human so she can get wuffles and cuddles. I just hope for him she doesn't die or vice versa. O_o
DAJB at 3:40AM, Oct. 23, 2008
Heh - he's going to have to program [i]that[/i] out of her pronto! ;-)
amanda at 11:04PM, Oct. 22, 2008
Mutation at 8:00AM, Oct. 23, 2008
Well, being a cyborg she's part human so she can get wuffles and cuddles. I just hope for him she doesn't die or vice versa. O_o
DAJB at 3:40AM, Oct. 23, 2008
Heh - he's going to have to program [i]that[/i] out of her pronto! ;-)
amanda at 11:04PM, Oct. 22, 2008