Here's the new page. It's going up a bit late in the day, since I just got it lettered. Anyway, I'm thinking of doing one story a month instead of a page a week. Any thoughts on that folks?
Better to have some kind of periodic updates than to just post all at once, I think. That way if people do miss one of your weekly updates, they'll probably be able to catch up the next week.
Great story so far btw. It's like something Edgar Allen Poe might have written.
irrevenant at 5:26AM, Aug. 8, 2012
Any update schedule would be great if we could see the end of this story. :)
BSP_Curt at 3:45PM, July 17, 2010
Thanks for the input, El Cid, and even more so for that huge compliment! You flatter me.
El Cid at 4:11PM, July 16, 2010
Better to have some kind of periodic updates than to just post all at once, I think. That way if people do miss one of your weekly updates, they'll probably be able to catch up the next week. Great story so far btw. It's like something Edgar Allen Poe might have written.