- Filler (2)
- The technology gods hate us. =_=
- 115-That's It!
- 114-Shiny!
- 113-Crane Stance Fail
- 112-Here We Go Again!
- 111-Shadow Zamboni
- 110-Commandeer That Zamboni!
- 109-Uh Oh
- 108-The Guardian Revealed
- 107-More Badgers!
- 106-Badgers On Ice!
- 105-P(r)etty Thievery
- Roi's Rants 2
- 104-The Chase Begins
- 103-Deception's End
- 102-Cliff-hanger
- 101-Candy From A Baby
- 100-Pretties
- 99-Meanwhile, At The Met....
- 98-Badgers On Ice
- 97-Are We There Yet?
- 96-Warnings and Instructions
- 95-A Moment of Truth
- 94-Door Number One
- 93-CH Idol
- 92-*Glare*
- 91-More Flirting Amid Angsty Rants
- 90-Hotter Than Hell
- 89-You've Got Questions...
- 88-Handcuffs?
- 87-That'll Sting in the Morning...
- 86-A Turning of the The Tables
- 85-Hell Unleashed
- 84-Angsty Rant
- 83-I Hate Mondays...
- 82-The Plot Thickens
- 81-Mikaal's Mission
- 80-...Snake Out Of Hell?
- Roi's Rants #1-Holidays
- 79-How Old Do You Think I Am?
- 78-All of the Above
- 77-Fine Dining At Dunkin' Bucks
- 76-Use the Spork, ya Kook!
- 75-Life Lessons
- 74-In Mav's Dreams
- 73-Taking A 'Chill' Pill
- 72-Demonic Denial
- 71-This Is Your Brain...On Demons
- 70-'The Talk'
- 69-Caffiend?
- 68-ZOMG! Cookiezz!! Part 2
- 67-ZOMG! Cookiezz!! 8D
- 66-Batman
- 65-I Was A Teenage Wolf...Demon?
- 64-Fire & Ice
- 63-On A Hot Streak
- 62-Deja Vu
- 61-Of Wenches and Snakes
- 60-Out Of The Loop
- 59-Delusions of Sanity
- 58-The Idiot Convention Continues
- 57-Disguise Disasters
- 56-In case we haven't emotionally scarred you enough...
- 55-We all scheme for ice cream
- 54-Modern Magics
- 53-The Plot Thickens
- 52-Slingshots
- 51-Cliff And Thor
- Filler- Look!! A diversion!!!
- 50-Ooo, Shiny!
- 49-"Aren't You That Short Kid?"
- 48-Snapes On A Plane!!!
- ?????
- 47-Loki Blues
- 46-Mav's Pants 2.0
- 45-Pedestrian Flyswatter: Don't Leave Home Without It
- Filler-...shiny?
- 44- The Muffin Returns
- 43-Do YOU Know the Muffin Man?
- 43-(In Progress)
- 42-El Muffin! =)
- 41-Morning Routines
- 40-The... other... Lollipop Guild
- 39-"Horse."
- Happy Birthday, Ghost! ^__^
- 38-"Special" Breeds...
- 37-Meet Mr. Greenleaf
- Merry Christmas! :)
- Random Moment-Nice Parties
- 36-Snakes...On A Plane! (Or Not)
- 35-Snake And Enrique
- Random Moment-Mav's Pants
- 34-Walk You To Class?
- 33-Daydreams and Sabotage
- 32-Hell Hath No Fury...
- 31-Kal...oki?!?
- 30-Look Out Below...?
- 29-Normal is in the Eye of the Beholder
- 28-You Are Not Prepared!
- 27-Gym 'Shorts'
- 26-Oh No...
- 25-Enter Kaldea
- 24-Tell Me Your Name
- 23-...Or Not.
- Page 22
- Page 21
- Page 20
- Page 19
- Page 18
- Page 17
- Page 16
- Page 15
- Page 14
- Page 13
- Page 12
- Page 11
- Page 10
- Page 9
- Page 8
- Page 7
- Page 6
- Page 5
- Page 4
- Page 3
- Page 2
- Page 1
- Title Page!
Title Page!
Maverik on Jan. 15, 2008
The long awaited title page has arrived! Mav spent a LOT of time on this so praise her mercilessly for this one, k? ;) The adventure continues next Wednesday! =D Peace, ~Ghost
ce33 at 6:26PM, Jan. 17, 2008
praise praise merciless praise! Really, great upping of the notch and all that!
Cthonic Cultist at 4:21PM, Jan. 17, 2008
Latin, eh? IT'S ON! Vestri matris est no of Novus York!
Cthonic Cultist at 4:03PM, Jan. 17, 2008
Beautiful cover!
Poki_rat at 2:51PM, Jan. 16, 2008
You mean they actually have to fight each other? Bummer. Can't we all just get along?
THKNN_NUL at 6:27AM, Jan. 16, 2008
that fights going to be interesting...
magickmaker at 5:13AM, Jan. 16, 2008
Wow, shibby art... Good job.
salasvexx at 1:19AM, Jan. 16, 2008
Awsome!!!!!! Been wondering where you guys went too...... This pic says it all. Great Cover page(title page)