01 - Full Metal Dumbass
Rob on Dec. 1, 2006
Yes Folks I'm Back, Those who all hated me just don't comment any flaming. Also Don't say anything about those beastiality jokes. Yes I saw them. So you don't need to fill my inbox full of them. And I also like to thank ChampTim for this idea for a Webcomic. It would be really helpful if you give me some C+C. Also some help If you are really good with Gmod.
GiantPinkWalrus at 12:13PM, Aug. 22, 2008
Crappy spelling with weak humor... Also the paneling and speech bubbles suck. Very weak. But hey, this isn't the worst comic I've seen, and with some minor improvements this might maybe be good. Posing is a little funny too.
Megasonic at 6:53PM, April 29, 2007
Aw crud, I saw this too late. I'm taking by how you haven't updated in forever your quitting?
anonymous at 6:07AM, Jan. 23, 2007
Heh... Like Lefarce said, the leet doesn't' make it funny, but other than that, it's a pretty decent comic. These are some pretty good graphics... what version of CS is this?
Mega Josh at 5:01PM, Dec. 9, 2006
The only problem I see so far is the positioning of the panels. And you may want to add borders around them as well. Otherwise, keep it up.
Sovereign at 7:17AM, Dec. 8, 2006
loz dat waz s000 funnie, not! lol
UltraZero at 4:36PM, Dec. 2, 2006
Awesome and fav'd