Page 51
Litindir on Oct. 5, 2008
Did you see what happaned there?
Pierrot just wiped away his running make-up with his sleeve, and his usual painting re-appeared.
They aren't really just normal guys with painted faces, those are their faces!
That's the best way I can explain it. Harlequin hardly draws new diamonds every morning.
VinoMas at 11:57PM, May 8, 2016
Dee Arris at 10:56PM, Sept. 14, 2011
This is amazing, really, it's a blasted shame we haven't seen any since the last page. Hope you come back to this some day.
Chuckee at 11:45PM, April 13, 2010
... Uh-Oh...! *worryworryworry* T_T
twistedrabbit at 4:47PM, March 24, 2010
Where are you?
roycemarie at 9:34PM, Aug. 18, 2009
Scream!! Sob!! Are you ever coming back??? We miss you so much!!!!!!
papaya4 at 2:18PM, June 17, 2009
you are going to Update Soon Right.
papaya4 at 7:26PM, June 5, 2009
are you going to Update Commedia dellArte 2 Soon.
Warbeast at 9:33PM, May 14, 2009
Well, that's 3 of my favorite comics that are on hiatus. At this rate, I may actually have to go outside.
Emeraldas at 10:36PM, March 16, 2009
Why you are pulling an act worthy of me, and going months without updates. Hope you are doing alright.
Chuckee at 8:26AM, March 5, 2009
... update? please?
Chuckee at 9:34AM, Feb. 22, 2009
.... I wish i was that lucky Dude, why dd you kill her?
Warbeast at 9:53AM, Jan. 15, 2009
Waiting for an update. you ok? It's been a long time.
Tepnoa at 2:08PM, Jan. 11, 2009
Update yes? D: I really love your comics.
Legos on the floor at 3:35AM, Nov. 15, 2008
My mascara does that, but its natural state isn't very attractive, so I stopped wearing it.
Ggunsailor at 5:32PM, Oct. 20, 2008
Uh-oh, this is just what they don't need! Say, is Perrot ever gonna be happy again?
bellagail at 11:18AM, Oct. 7, 2008
D: i missed it!? damn..... well v.v poor dude.
Chameleon Kid at 11:16AM, Oct. 7, 2008
Cool make-up, very handy for them, since they're constantly wearing it. (It only makes sense that it'd work like that.) ^_~
JeanSeishin at 3:48AM, Oct. 7, 2008
Time for some revenge
SoItBegins at 1:59AM, Oct. 7, 2008
Their real faces... ...strange.
Emeraldas at 12:52AM, Oct. 7, 2008
I wish my mascara would do that, lol.
THKNN_NUL at 11:08PM, Oct. 6, 2008
awesome...I'd like to have eyes like that...
mylittleworldX3 at 3:34PM, Oct. 6, 2008
tattoos maybe? awesome
roycemarie at 11:47AM, Oct. 6, 2008
Humph! If all the villain has is a sword against Harlequin, he's toast. And perhaps Pierrot is so much in pain he will fight as well. He's got that ticked off look in panel 4.
raminda at 10:31AM, Oct. 6, 2008
If I was Pierrot I'd be goddamn mad at my cheshire friend for wearing a smile like that while I was mourning. But I guess he's used to it.
Lemniskate at 10:08AM, Oct. 6, 2008
Yes, yes I saw what happened there O.o