Still a doormat.
PeteyPanda on Dec. 28, 2009
Look! Clean lines! Got tired of the sketchy-ness. I wasn't sure if I should have the bold outlines, or not. Do you guys like them, or should I just leave it like this?
Life's been annoying lately. My sister visited and brought a mainland cold with her, so I've been sick.
Niblet luv at 6:54AM, June 14, 2010
MAN I love your art :,D GEHHHH POOR SHILO T_T I didn't notice your sketchiness @_@
solace at 3:15PM, Jan. 11, 2010
that boy is so cute! I know any coffee he gives me would be delicious.
Zena at 2:09AM, Jan. 2, 2010
It looks great heh I didn't notice a difference, and that guy is gonna get smacked on the head with a karma hammer one of these days just "Thump!!" and problem solved ^-^
amantelavita at 6:18PM, Dec. 29, 2009
Awesome art. I am definitely favoriting this.
The Satoshi at 6:00PM, Dec. 29, 2009
Actually I think I like the sketchy! ^^ I think... I can't TELL!!! :
The Satoshi at 5:58PM, Dec. 29, 2009
>____< URG!! KICK HIM IN THE NADS!!! I didn't notice any sketchy-ness personally but *shrugs* STILL LOOKS GREAT!!! Sorry your sick... You live on an island? ^^ I use to live on an island!
Maces101 at 5:53PM, Dec. 29, 2009
Cute art! *faved