Habitual Manner
RushtonCygnus on July 27, 2007
I noticed a lot of people who draw with ms paint save their creations as jpeg files. Not cool. Also I noticed some people still save their pictures as bitmaps; just random pictures people send me(not pRon.) Not cool.
As a general rule:
Bitmaps = HUGE!
Jpegs = Griany and gross
PNGs = The way to go
I made this comic so people will remember.
Oh, go read “Do Feed the Bears.” Just click on my profile and then go from there.
Tundra at 7:49PM, April 23, 2009
I still like JPGs. :P Maybe it's because it's a picture of a woman. C'mon, cater to the other half of the demographic! :P
Beaums at 5:57PM, Oct. 24, 2007
Yeah! PNG users represent!!
MessedUpDisaster at 3:20PM, Oct. 4, 2007
PNG rocks!
n_y_japlander at 7:46AM, July 30, 2007
Nice point....... I know PNGs' look nicer, but JPGs' are a nasty habbit! nice cleavage by the way ^-^
I heart artists at 10:42AM, July 29, 2007
Of the three I always go with the PNG. Cleavage v. pink eye and baby barf? Cleavage is the easy winner.